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Luxusvillen im Douro-Tal

Villenferien im Douro-Tal sind herrlich langsam und verführerisch filmreif. Weiss getünchte Quintas und terrassenförmige Weinberge treffen auf verschlafene Dörfer am Flussufer in einer der ältesten Weinregionen der Welt.

Unsere Villen

Douro Valley and the North, Portugal

Quinta Matilde


A lavish rental villa with spectacular views, infinity pool and Jacuzzi, perched high above Pinhão.

from CHF 5759 per week

Douro Valley and the North, Portugal

Quinta Oleandro


Carved terraces of vineyards and olive groves surround this luxury villa in Portugal. Peacefully placed in the hills of the Douro Valley, it is perfect for a family get-together.

from CHF 8872 per week

Douro Valley and the North, Portugal

Vineyard House


With breathtaking views over the stunning Douro Valley, and high standards of comfort, service and facilities, this luxury villa in northern Portugal is peacefully positioned and perfectly relaxing.

from CHF 4779 per week